
Planning Application Statement

Application Statement Final 28 10 20

Application Plans

1. Site Location Plan 001
2. Application Site Plan 017
3. Current Situation 006
4. Block Phasing Proposals Plan ref 008
5. Phase 4B plan 009
6. Phase 5 plan 010
7. Phase 6 plan 011
8. Phase 7 plan 012
9. Phase 8 plan 013
10. Phase 9 plan 014
11. Current Location of Restoration Materials Plan 007
12. Concept Restoration plan 015
13. Advance Planting plan 025
14. Technical Sections plan 016
15. Borehole Location Plan T57_000
16. Geological Cross Sections A-D Plan T57_014
17. Geological Cross Sections E - G Plan T57_015
18. Geological Cross Sections H - J Plan T57_16

PAS Appendices

PAS App 1 Tarmac Environmental Policy Statement
PAS App 2 Letters 08 06 20 and 10 09 20
PAS App 3 Letter 14 09 20 reduced
PAS App 4 Public Exhibition Leaflet 15 09 20
PAS App 5 Facebook Page 26 09 20
PAS App 6 Public Exhibition Feedback Form reduced
PAS App 7A Exhibition Boards 1-5 reduced
PAS App 7B Exhibition Boards 6 - 14 reduced

Environmental Statement

ES Final 28 10 20 reduced

Non-Technical Summary of ES

NTS Final 28 10 20

ES Appendices

1.1 Scoping Report 17 12 19
1.2 Scoping Opinion 11 02 20
6.1 LVIA Drawings and Photosheets
6.1 Typical Sections & Photos - Section A-A
6.1 Typical Sections & Photos - Section B-B
6.2 LVIA Methodology
7.1 EcIA
7.2 EcIA û Calculations & Analysis
8.1 ALC and Soils Plans
8.2 MAFF Sheet 1 Soil stripping with excavators and dump trucks
8.3 MAFF Sheet 4 Soil replacement with excavators and dump trucks
8.4 MAFF Sheet 2 Building soil storage mounds with excavators and dump trucks
8.5 MAFF Sheet 3 Excavation of soil storage mounds with excavators and dump trucks
9.0 Hydro Figures
9.1 Hydro Assessment References
9.2 Data Sources
9.3 Policy Guidance and Authorisations
9.4 Greenfield Runoff Modelling
9.5 Fluids Handling Protocols
9.6 Flood Risk Assessment
10.1 -10.9 Noise Appendices
13.1 Documentary Research 2001
13.2 Geophysics Report Part 1
13.2 Geophysics Report Part 2
Fig 13-1 Cultural heritage Assets within 1km of site
Fig 13-2 Scheduled Monument
Fig 13-3 HER Features
Fig 13-4 HER Discoveries
Fig 13-5 HER Events
Fig 13-6 OS 1905
Fig 13-7 - Fig 13.20
Fig 13-21 Plan Ref KD.SH.D.026 Scheduled Ancient Monument